
The autumn tillage

There are soils of varied types present in Kharkov region. The prevalent types are rich Ukrainian black earth and grey podzolic loess soils.

There are soils of varied types present in Kharkov region. The prevalent types are rich Ukrainian black earth and grey podzolic loess soils. Types of black earth that has formed on loess soils of various physical composition may range from arenaceous and coarse-grained clay soils to heavy loam soils.

The top-soil width is generally 110 - 120 cm. From top down to the depth of 40 - 50 cm. there is a humus layer with humus percentage up to 8%.

The largest masses of grey podzolic soils adjoin drained washes and ravines, usually the right hand riverbanks. On the loess river benches saline and alkali soils can be found.

The territories of  Kharkov region from of old are famed for its fertility, growing of grapes, mulberry growing, horticulture, and agriculture thrived here in the past. Nowadays the soils are widely used, too: for horticulture and for growing high quality hard wheat, for beetroot and sunflower plantations, for vegetable growing.