Tyutyunnikov Boris Nicanorovich


Tyutyunnikov Boris Nicanorovich

Creator of scientific school of chemiscts and technologists in the field of fat treating, synthetic fat acids and detergents, professor B.N.Tyutyunnikov was awarded a Lenin Prize of the USSR in 1968 for radical improvment on the way of vegetable oils hydrogenization. The merit of creation and introduction of continuous oil production methods belongs to him.

From 1930 he managed the Chair of Organic Matters Technology in KPI. Area of scientific interests of B.N. extended till the creation of  medicinal preparations. In 70-th - 80-th of XX century the preparation AEKCL with wound-healing effect  was made under his leading. 


His activity for science and enlightenment good was long and fruitful. B.N. Tyutyunnikov had been supervisor of studies for 6 doctors and for 50 kandidats of science, he is famous as author of 400 scientific works and of 50 author's sertificates, 13 manuals had been written by him.

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