The Fourth Composition

Figures of the fourth composition :

Collective farmer


Woman with a book
The fourth composition
The three concluding sculptures are fulfiled in growing solemn rythm  and symbolize the post-revolution days of Ukraine. Beside the athletic figure of a coal-miner (a Stakhanovite one) are the statues of a collective farmer and a woman with a book. Note that the woman image is solved in elevated and romantic style and logically ends the symbolic sculpture mapping of the way of Ukrainians as opposite to the first female image - Katerina.  
The monumentality and unbreakable unity of these images are achieved by their place against the background of the revolutionary banner carried through the storms and fights. Sculptor finds just the different plastic manner to characterize his contemporaries than the used one for all previous figures. All is maximally simplified and devoided of sharp lihgt-and-shadow contrasts. The unity of worker and peasant images covered by Manizer in Shevchenko monument found its later development in Soviet sculpture of the second half of 30th: in particular there is to be mentioned the famous monument "Worker and Peasant Woman" by V.G.Mukhina.
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