France. Sorbonne.

Conferment a title of Doctor Honoris Causa

to V.A.Marchenko


Years of childhood


The Marchenkos

Brothers Marchenko


Personal contacts with collegues and followers


In the forest with collegues  (40 years of ILTPE Mathematical Division )

In the forest with L.A.Pastur and K.V.Maslov (40 years of ILTPE Mathematical Division)

Talk with A.D.Myshkis and E.Ya.Khruslov (40 years of ILTPE Mathematical Division)


Talk with L.A.Pastur (40 years of ILTPE Mathematical Division)

N.I.Akhiezer Centenary. At conference section

N.I.Akhiezer Centenary. Appearance at Kharkov University


Links with nature





And again Sorbonne...

Speech of new Doctor Honoris Causa at ceremonial

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