We'll produce for you cables from...and to...

Site:    yuzhcable.com.ua

E-mail:    [email protected]

"Yuzhkabel" is a child of the Great War. In 1943, while almost the whole of Europe suffered the yoke of fascism, in liberated Kharkov among still burning ruins and wasteland people were building the first workshops.

Electric power is the blood of the economy, wires and cables are its arteries and veins. The new plant had to accomplish the honourable task of recreating the circulatory system of the wounded organism of the town and the country.

As early as March 1944 the plant produced its first batch of magnet wire, that was supplied to Kharkov Electromechanical plant for production of then vitally important electric motors.
By the early 1960's the plant's structure was completely formed, it became one of the many cogs in the huge, monster-like and unwieldy machine of Soviet Union's economy. The plant's output was growing year by year, the state production orders were exacting and if failed, caused grave repercussions. The head managers suffered from heart attacks were reprimanded by the Party. It seemed nobody cared where this output would go...

The year of 1991 was a turning point for the Soviet people in general, and for "Yuzhkabel" in particular. This plant faster than others recovered from the shock of breaking up of what had been "unbreakable". Today the joint-stock company "Yuzhkabel" plant is a leading manufacturer in cable industry against the background of mysterious Ukrainian economy.
The number of workers has diminished (860 people in 1997 against 2100 in 1972) - the plant got rid of excessive "weight". The plant leadership became younger, there are now more new technical ideas, production facilities are being updated.

The output is growing, the number of employed personnel is being increased but on a more effective, sensible level. The realities of economic situation determine product range, competition requires higher quality - 80% of output products were certified as conforming to international standards, the plant establishes new links of international co-operation - among its partners are well known companies "Dea Tech" (Italy), "MAG" (Austria).

The plant is actively looking for new markets, new customers from different countries now purchase "Yuzhkabel's" products. Today its partners come note only from traditional regions such as Russia, the Baltic states, Turkmenistan, but also from Vietnam and Romania...
"Yuzhkabel" and market economy are a good match, they suit each other. These people love to work and they are able to work well. They will be glad to supply for you any of the following products:

  Copper and aluminium made products;  
  Power cables designed for voltage range 1 -10 kV;  
  Signal-locking cables;  
Magnet wire, apparatus wire and
other wire for various purposes.
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