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  лист перший - з Бразилії  

First let introduce myself: my name is Eduardo da Costa and I'm a grandchield of kharkovians. My grandfather is dead since 1952 and my grandmother is alive. She have 77 years old and she don't speak portuguese very well (I'm brazilian) and have a weack health. I'm contacting you cause I need some help. In 1943 she was left from Ukraine to Germany when she work in a forced works nazi farm. After that she and my grandfather runway from Germany (1945) and comes to Brazil. Since that she has a hard life with 2 young children a husband who die eight years later, problems with the language, poor salaries and a simple life. This period is very nebulous to us. She have some trauma and don't talk so much about.

So, I'm searching some informations. I don't now if I have some relative alive. That's is my search. Look for relatives. I don't if you will help us. If this is not possible please take this mail and give to someone who help me. I'm really curios to find someone in Ukraine.

I'll give you some informations. I don't if this names or locals are correctly write cause I don't understand your language.

My grandmother: born in 1923, Kharkov, Wera Kuzmienko daughter of Jamnik Jawdokia and Iwan Kasanow. She also have two brothers: Nicolau Kasanow (younger) and Paulo (?) Kasanow (older).

My grandfather: born in 1918, we presume Kharkov, Szimon Kuzmienko, son of Szymon Kuzmienko and Katarzina Loboda. He die in 1953. He also have one brother but my grandmam don't remember his name.

That's all I have. I have some pictures too. Her father was something in the russian army. I don't know what but I have the picture.

So, if you can help me I thank you. If not please send this message to someone. My english is not so well but I want you undertand this.

Thank you very much! I'll apreciate you kindness.


Eduardo da Costa,

156 Mariland Avenue ap. 504

Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil.

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